Open positions

Below you will find the short descriptions of all available projects, click on the arrow to open. Within the short descriptions you will find a link to the full descriptions.

Fellow 1 (project 1.1)Enhancing people-centered national health system assessments: Implementing a performance portal in Luxembourg

Fellow 2 (project 1.2)Data driven people-centred care: machine learning and trustworthiness

Fellow 3 (project 1.3)From measurement to management and use of intelligence on deprivation related disparities in healthcare

Fellow 5 (project 1.4)Improving equality in access for geographically isolated and remote communities through proximity healthcare services

Fellow 6 (project 1.5)Cultural safety performance intelligence for addressing racism and discrimination in service provision

Fellow 7 (project 1.6)Enhancing people-centered cancer screening in Romania: Developing recommendations for scaling up cancer screening

Fellow 16 (project 1.7)Boosting Flu vaccination uptake: People-centered strategies for public trust in health policies 

Fellow 8 (project 2.8)- Enhancing sustainable healthcare governance: Integrating measures into performance assessment and management 

Fellow 9 (project 2.9)- Engaging individuals and communities for strengthening health and health care related climate resilience

Fellow 10 (project 2.10)- Measuring and mitigating the eCO2 impact of novel health care models 

Fellow 11 (project 2.11)- Embedding the environmental footprint of hospitals in strategic decision-making processes in Luxembourg. 

Fellow 4 (project 3.12)- Optimizing integrated care performance measurement 

Fellow 12 (project 3.13)- Improving the wellbeing, safety and mental health of nurses and their impact on quality of care

Fellow 13 (project 3.14)- Supporting human resources for value-based healthcare delivery leveraging technologies and performance measurements 

Fellow 14 (project 3.15)- Reducing regional health system inefficiencies optimizing its financial sustainability  

Fellow 15 (project 3.16)- Monitoring low value care using routine clinical and administrative data  

Fellow 17 (project 3.17)- Mitigating turnover: Enhancing general practitioner workforce wellbeing with actionable performance intelligence  

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