Niek Sperna Weiland

Nicolaas H. Sperna Weiland, born in Leusden, The Netherlands in 1988, achieved his M.D. degree from the University of Amsterdam in 2012. He completed his residency in Anaesthesiology at the same institution in 2018 and, a year later, he successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis titled ‘Cerebral Haemodynamics During Anaesthesia’ in 2019.

In his current role as a consulting (neuro)anaesthesiologist and the scientific director of the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare at Amsterdam UMC, he stands as a passionate advocate for promoting sustainability within the hospital, primarily through research and educational initiatives.

The Amsterdam UMC, Centre for Sustainable Healthcare is a research and implementation network on sustainable healthcare. Our major lines of research involve: quantification of environmental impact, reducing the impact of anaesthetic gases, circular use of materials and integrating sustainability into clinical decition making. 

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