
The second Research objective of HealthIntelAct is PLANET

WP2 – Planet: Building Environmentally Sustainable Health and Care Systems

Healthcare systems not only respond to the health impacts of climate change but also contribute to environmental challenges through their carbon footprint, energy use, and waste production. As climate risks grow, health and care systems must take action to both mitigate their environmental impact and adapt to changing conditions.

WP2 – Planet focuses on making health and care systems more climate-friendly and resilient. This means finding ways to reduce emissions and waste (mitigation) while also ensuring that healthcare services can withstand climate-related challenges (adaptation).

Key Research Areas

  • Reducing healthcare’s carbon footprint (mitigation) – Identifying strategies to cut emissions, energy use, and waste in health systems.
  • Building climate-resilient healthcare systems (adaptation) – Ensuring that hospitals, clinics, and services can operate effectively despite extreme weather events and environmental shifts.
  • Sustainable healthcare models – Developing new ways to deliver care that prioritize both human and planetary health.
  • Green innovations – Exploring policies and technologies that make healthcare systems more sustainable and efficient.

By integrating mitigation and adaptationHealthIntelAct helps health and care systems take proactive steps toward environmentally responsible and climate-resilient care.

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